Friday, June 20, 2014


Summer is here. Officially, according to the local weather man. It is that time now until school starts back in August, The Vacation. Take a gander on Facebook, it is riddled with tons of family vacation photos. In the South, we have some vacation staples we turn to. First and foremost is the Alabama/Florida shoreline. Most popular is Destin, Florida. There are family traditions to go to the beach, in the same condo, with the same group, at the same time each year. We do not break this. It is written in stone. The other popular vacation spot is the mighty Orlando, Florida. This is, duh, where the mouse resides. You will see some different spots like the Smokey Mountains or New Orleans, but the beach and the mouse will win for most photos tagged.

I am a fan of both. My family has gone to the beach every year, minus maybe a pregnancy year. We LOVE the beach. It is by far the most relaxing time. We have frequented Disney a lot, but having younger tots, this is the least chill vacation. Which brings me to my point. How stress vacating is the vacation? Being with your significant other, with no kids is one heck of a good time. Going with older kids, in a good mood without crazy teen drama, is another pretty awesome time. Going with children/babies is an insane time. How relaxed can you be with little ones attached to you? Is this better than working 9 hours? We do it for the memories, right? Is that not why we do this? For a scrapbook and FB postings?

Now, I read an article on a blog about Facebook the other day. Their point was how you have a FB life and then there is what really happens. If it was not for FB, I would not have family photo albums. Yes, there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes. Children act all crazy, and it gets messy, but in that little moment in time, I snap a freaking happy moment. Deal! It is my vacation moment. And no, I do not believe everyone's life is super awesome, with a super awesome husband, and the most awesome kids, on an awesome vacation. Who am I to judge?  I am OK with thinking that about everyone, because frankly anything else is none of my business. In that moment, it was super, duper awesome.  Power post on.

So, are vacations really relaxing? It depends on what is important to you. Yes, I may need an extra storage compartment, either on top of the SUV that is filled with people and trip playtime things, or being pulled behind us. Yes, I am practically moving my house to get there. Yes, I am looking at the well placed kiddie leashes as genius, rather than judge like I did when it was just my husband and myself. Staying at home is definitely tempting once you have that horrible, screaming moment in the middle of something meant to be magical or the complaining of the sand and sun twenty minutes after you unload the U-Haul to get everything on the beach. In the end- it is worth it. It is their memories. It is what you want it to be. One word of advice is to always take that extra vacation day after you get back from the trip. Unwind.

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