Thursday, July 24, 2014

Back to School- Uniform Deals!

It is that time of year! Our pocket books become smaller and our uniform ownership becomes larger. I have 3 children to outfit, and while I am not opposed to hand-me-downs, I have some seriously messy kids during the school year. The pants wind up split in the knees, and the shorts are discolored in the backside, the polo's are all stained and not as white as they once were. Therefore, I find myself buying new uniforms every year. Boo, right! I am listing the best deals I can find. I am not linked to these sites in any way, or paid for this. This is just me being informational.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Kids and Cell Phones

One weekend a bit of time ago, I was lounging on my couch and noticed my kids were being so quiet and so chill. I looked up and realized why. All three of them were on some type of electronic device. One was on my iPhone, one was on the iPad, and the other was on the computer. It was not a rainy day, or a cold day. It was an Autumn day, and it was beautiful outside. When I was young, I would have been outside, and I would have already been outside for hours. How and where did I go wrong? What is the obsession and how did I fall for it? 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

My Life vs. My FB Life

As I glance through my home timeline on Facebook, I see some great photos. I see special events, births, birthdays, holidays, first days of school or preschool...or daycare. I see anniversaries and marriages. I see fun times and vacations. I see the best of everyone. Is it?

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Team Spirit?

It is the middle of the summer, but yet we are gearing up for the new school year already. I have the school supply lists in my purse, and I am searching online for the best sales on school uniforms. This is expensive in itself, but there is one cost we bear without thinking, extracurricular activities. When I was a child, there were those kids that were involved in dance and piano lessons, not me. I was a country kid running out in the woods with my friends and cousins. I feel that now we are obsessed with the level of activities our children participate in. Is it for them? Is it for us? Is it a Jone's thing? 

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Helicopter Moms- We Understand!

By: Angela Koomen

We’ve all heard about helicopter moms. Moms who devote their entire life to their children. They will bend over backwards to make sure their children aren’t disappointed or feel bad. They are the cause of the “everyone gets a trophy” and for teachers not being able to use red ink because it makes Billy feel bad. But I, thanks to a late night with my teething 1 year old, have seen the other side of helicopter moms.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Framily vs. Strangers

I started this blog as a platform to voice my opinion and the opinions of fellow mothers. I did gain a huge supporter within my own home, my husband. After my last post, he suggested a post I should write and share. After discussing with my sister and some friends, they thought it would be a great topic. My behavior towards my friends and family, framily, can be quite different than my behavior to a complete stranger. Now, mind you, this is not an always situation, but after thinking about it and remembering certain situations, I have to agree.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Mean Girls..

I had a discussion today with some co-workers about how I believe you have a certain point in life you peak. What I mean by this is, I believe you find yourself, your niche at a certain point in your life. This self will evolve over time. You will change and grow, but I feel you have an ah-ha moment in life.

Friday, June 20, 2014


Summer is here. Officially, according to the local weather man. It is that time now until school starts back in August, The Vacation. Take a gander on Facebook, it is riddled with tons of family vacation photos. In the South, we have some vacation staples we turn to. First and foremost is the Alabama/Florida shoreline. Most popular is Destin, Florida. There are family traditions to go to the beach, in the same condo, with the same group, at the same time each year. We do not break this. It is written in stone. The other popular vacation spot is the mighty Orlando, Florida. This is, duh, where the mouse resides. You will see some different spots like the Smokey Mountains or New Orleans, but the beach and the mouse will win for most photos tagged.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Preteens....Tweens....Does it get any easier?

So, I have come to the conclusion that my prepubescent daughter is going to drive me crazy. Now, don't get me wrong, she is actually a good child. She is A&B Honor Roll, Show Choir, Cheerleader, Gifted Classes, and has a great group of friends. The problem lies when this sweet, honestly good child turns. She turns in to a different child. She becomes demonic.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

A little bit about me.....

Hey Guys!

I wanted to give you guys a little background about myself. So here it goes.

I am in my thirties, and proud of that fact. I am married to a genius of a man, JM. I have three seriously cool kids, Lane, Carter, and Kelly.